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Amharic Books Online PDF for FREE: You can search through thousands of Amharic books covering all aspects of Ethiopian life and beyond.

Amharic book categories such as Amharic Biography Books, Amharic History Books, Amharic Fiction Books, Amharic Reference Books, Amharic Audio Books, Amharic Teacher Aids Books, Amharic Children Books, Amharic Tracts Books, Amharic Marriage and Family Books, Amharic Islam Books, Amharic Articles, Amharic Magazines, Amharic Scriptures, Amharic Old Testament Studies, Amharic New Testament Studies, Amharic Doctrines, Amharic Apologetics, Amharic Prophecy, Amharic Christian Life Books, Amharic Church History Books, Ethiopian Orthodox Church Books, Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox Church Books...Oromo Books, Oromiffa Books, Tigrinya Books, Sidama Books, Amharic Books Online PDF for FREE, Gurage Books, Wolaita Books...
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Amharic Fiction Books Ethiopia
Colloquial Amharic: The Complete Course for Beginners has been carefully developed by an experienced teacher to provide a step-by-step course to French as it is written and spoken today. Combining a clear, practical and accessible style with a methodical and thorough treatment of the language, it equips learners with the essential skills needed to communicate confidently and effectively in Amharic in a broad range of situations. No prior knowledge of the language is required. Colloquial Amharic is exceptional; each unit presents a wealth of grammatical points that are reinforced with a wide range of exercises for regular practice. A full answer key, a grammar summary, bilingual glossaries and English translations of dialogues can be found at the back as well as useful vocabulary lists throughout. Key features include: A clear, user-friendly format designed to help learners progressively build up their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills Jargon-free, succinct and clearly structured explanations of grammar An extensive range of focused and dynamic supportive exercises Realistic and entertaining dialogues covering a broad variety of narrative situations Helpful cultural points explaining the customs and features of life in Ethiopia. An overview of the sounds of Amharic Balanced, comprehensive and rewarding, Colloquial Amharic is an indispensable resource both for independent learners and students taking courses in Amharic. Audio material to accompany the course is available to download freely in MP3 format from Recorded by native speakers, the audio material features the dialogues and texts from the book and will help develop your listening and pronunciation skills. Additional information on writing the Amharic script can also be found here.
Product Details :
Genre | : |
Author | : David Appleyard |
Publisher | : |
Release | : 2015-07-01 |
File | : 400 Pages |
ISBN-13 | : 1138949620 |
Amharic Fiction
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