Are you looking for a reliable CD data recovery or DVD data recovery tool? AnyReader is a perfect example of such software.
Effectively copies corrupt data from any type of disks or erroneous connections if standard copying methods fail. AnyReader supports resumed downloads from the remote PC if the connection was broken during the copy process (especially useful for unreliable Wi-Fi networks).
AnyReader is great for copying files from scratched CD/DVD/Blu-ray(BD) or defective floppy/hard disks. Normally when your computer is unable to copy files from a damaged disk it will abort and delete the part of the file it has copied. AnyReader will continue copying the file right to the end; any data that hasn't been recovered after several retries is replaced with blanks. This will allow you to effectively read every byte of information that can be read at all.
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Note: Using AnyReader is safe and risk-free. The software does not write data to your original disks, but saves the recovered data to a new folder that you specify.
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Here are some situations where AnyReader can help:

Anyreader 3.8 Activation Key Download

Activation Key Download
- Your CD/DVD/Blu-ray(BD) drive can't read bad, scratched or trashed disks;
- The standard copying method fails because of an error, such as '(Bad CRC) A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) checksum error occurred', 'Cannot read from the source file or disk', an unknown error or a bad disk;
- You have 2 bad copies of a file that you would like to put right;
- You can't download a file across wireless LAN because of a bad connection;
- And many more of those...