Cara Install Adobe Dreamweaver Cs4 Software

Cara install adobe dreamweaver cs4 softwareInstallCs4Cara install adobe dreamweaver cs4 software

Hi All ,[/align][/align] Currently we are packaging the application adobe dreamweaver cs4 for a trial version .We have created an xml file with the following command :[/align]
<setup.exe path in quotes> --record=1 .

Then when we tried to install with the following , we are getting EXIT CODE 7.[/align] [/align][left]<setup.exe path in quotes> --mode=silent -–deploymentFile=<install.xml or remove.xml path[/left]in quotes>
[/align]Can someone help us on this to resolve the error. Thanks in advance .[/align] [/align]The below are the contents of the XML file .[/align] [/align] <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
- <Deployment>
- <Properties>
<Property name='EULA_LANGUAGE'>en_US</Property>
<Property name='INSTALLDIR'>C:Program FilesAdobe</Property>
<Property name='OS64Bit'>0</Property>
<Property name='defaultLanguage'>en_US</Property>
<Property name='driverAdobeCode'>{289C46A2-F2F7-4887-A8DA-5CB1AB65754D}</Property>
<Property name='eula_EPIC_EULA_ACCEPTED'>1</Property>
<Property name='eula_EPIC_EULA_SELECTED'>0</Property>
<Property name='installLanguage'>en_US</Property>
<Property name='installSourcePath'>C:Program FilesCommon FilesAdobeInstallersacce07fd2c8fe7f9e3f26243e626578</Property>
<Property name='mediaName'>Adobe Dreamweaver CS4</Property>
<Property name='mediaPath'>usdata004xpappconvertApplication RepositoryDreamweaver CS4Adobe CS4extensionsAdobeDreamweaver10en_USLanguagePackAdobeDreamweaver10en_USLanguagePack.msi</Property>
<Property name='mediaType'>0</Property>
<Property name='mediaVolumeIndex'>1</Property>
<Property name='overrideFile'>0</Property>
<Property name='sessionID'>acce07fd2c8fe7f9e3f26243e626578</Property>
<Property name='setupVersion'></Property>
- <Payloads>
- <Payload adobeCode='{0967604F-33E6-4C6B-934B-157C3AB4ED4C}'>
- <Payload adobeCode='{14A5A29B-D252-4575-B40C-695B8D8B34D5}'>
- <Payload adobeCode='{289C46A2-F2F7-4887-A8DA-5CB1AB65754D}'>
- <Payload adobeCode='{490F274E-689A-4ECF-AC3E-322347ED7613}'>
- <Payload adobeCode='{6743AE49-4594-4CAE-807C-27682446F498}'>
- <Payload adobeCode='{8AD0C0B9-B397-45FE-89A3-D42F95F6E9EF}'>
- <Payload adobeCode='{CBC8AB3C-85F0-4D16-8E01-95E0343EE383}'>
</Deployment>[/align] [/align] [/align]

Cara Install Adobe Dreamweaver Cs4 Software Free

DMXzone Extension Manager for Dreamweaver is a stand-alone application from a new generation that will make your life easier. In a blink of an eye you can install, update and manage your extensions and templates for any Dreamweaver version above Dreamweaver 8.The app can be installed on both Windows 7+ and Mac OSX without the need to additionally install your tools in Dreamweaver. Adobe re-issued the latest variant of the dreamweaver dreamweaver CS5. There are several new features found in this latest version of Dreamweaver CS5, including: integration with Adobe Bussiness Catayst, the integration of Adobe Browser Lab, integration with CMS, CSS checks, Simple site setup, Site-specific code support, and others.