Silent install/upgrade command-line syntax. The following launches a typical installation of PROSETDX.msi. /i /qn /liew install.log. Silent uninstall command-line syntax. The following uninstalls all the Intel PROSet components. You can use it when the path to PROSETDX.msi is available. In Windows, search for an open Uninstall a program. On the Programs and Features window, select HP Support Assistant, then click Uninstall. Click Yes on the Programs and Features screen to confirm you want to uninstall HP Support Assistant. Restart your computer to complete the process. Packaging the script as a Win32 app allows us to track the driver installation process initiated by HP Image Assistant and wait for it to complete before the end-user arrives at the desktop, but it’s especially important to track this process to support pre-provisioning (previously known as White Glove).
When I originally wrote this post, there was almost no information available for running HP Image Assistant during an OSD task sequence. Thankfully, that is no longer the case. However you ended up here, I'm going to do you a favor and point you to a newer blog post that does a far better job than I did.

Apply Firmware and Driver Updates Using HP Image Assistant by Ryan Engstrom. Ryan has documented not just the basic approach that I had included here but also some more advanced variations.
Hp Support Assistant Silent Install
I'm currently working on a custom PowerShell WPF app utilizing HPIA, HP's Client Management Script Library and an internal collaborative storage solution. Here's the first entry in that blog series, in case you're intrigued:
Hp Support Assistant Silent Uninstall
When I originally wrote this post, there was almost no information available for running HP Image Assistant during an OSD task sequence. Thankfully, that is no longer the case. However you ended up here, I'm going to do you a favor and point you to a newer blog post that does a far better job than I did.
Apply Firmware and Driver Updates Using HP Image Assistant by Ryan Engstrom. Ryan has documented not just the basic approach that I had included here but also some more advanced variations.
Hp Support Assistant Silent Install Cmd Software
I'm currently working on a custom PowerShell WPF app utilizing HPIA, HP's Client Management Script Library and an internal collaborative storage solution. Here's the first entry in that blog series, in case you're intrigued: