InterActive Physiology 10-System Suite.ISO

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Interactive Physiology ( IP10 CD) | 575 MB

  1. Interactive Physiology. Benjamin Cummings is proud to present Interactive Physiology 10-System Suite! IP-10 provides in-depth animated tutorials and engaging quizzes that will help you understand some of the most difficult concepts in physiology. To get started, choose a body system on the left.
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TheInteractive Physiology 10-System Suite (IP-10) significantly enrichesteaching and learning environments by providing an audio/ visualpresentation of complex topics. For use as both a teaching tool in theclassroom and a study tool for students, IP-10 features full-coloranimations and video, both with sound, that thoroughly demonstratedifficult physiology concepts, many of which occur at the cellular andmolecular level. Extensive interactive games and Gradable Quizzesreinforce the material.
*Muscular System
*Nervous System II
*Respiratory System
*Fluids & Electrolytes

Interactive Physiology 10-system Suite.iso Pdf

*Digestive System

Interactive Physiology 10-system Suite.iso Software

This is actually a mac file and can be a royal painin the ass for some people to extract and use. I have turned this into awindows .iso so you can easily burn this to a CDR and use it on anycomputer for school.
Download here

Interactive Physiology 10-system Suite.iso Training


Interactive Physiology 10-system Suite.iso Online

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