Sacred Woman Queen Afua Free Pdf


Sacred Woman Queen Afua Free Pdf Printable

February 12-25, 2020

PDF Free Sacred Woman, A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit, By: Queen Afua Free Sacred Woman, A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit, Author: Queen Afua #LitFict #Suspense #GoodReads #EBooks #Bookshelf #KindleBargains #Fiction #Nonfiction #IReadEverywhere #Kindle #PopBooks #Bibliophile #KindleBargain #.

Bookmark File PDF Sacred Woman Queen Afua Sacred Woman Queen Afua Recognizing the exaggeration ways to acquire this book sacred woman queen afua is additionally useful. You have remained in right site to start getting this info. Get the sacred woman queen afua associate that we pay for here and check out the link. February 12-25, 2020. “When you heal a woman, you heal a nation.”. Queen Afua is celebrating the 20th Anniversary of her book, Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing The Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit. Join Queen Afua as she takes us home to the motherland, the cradle of civilization. For the past 40 years, Queen Afua has explored. 'I would recommend to any woman suffering from fibroids to read queen afua’s sacred woman book. It is filled with information linking physical, dietary, emotional and spiritual healing of the womb. In my journey healing from fibroids i have often found it helpful to pick up queen afua’s book and read a chapter at random to help me stay on the path of self love and womb recovery.'

“When you heal a woman, you heal a nation.”

Queen Afua is celebrating the 20th Anniversary of her book, Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing The Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit. Join Queen Afua as she takes us home to the motherland, the cradle of civilization.

Sacred Woman Africa

Sacred Woman Queen Afua Free Pdf Book

This upcoming 20th Anniversary, all Sacred Women are invited on a trip to Ancient Kemet. This will be a sanctuary for women that will offer a safe and tranquil place for you to reflect on a soul journey towards your ancestral lineage.

Before there was world history, there were Kemetic scribes carving our stories on the temple walls Because We knew there would come a time when we would no longer recognize our own reflections in the water. We will visit the first universities organized by men and women on the planet, 3000 B.C. that housed this wisdom. Together with Queen Afua we will travel up the Hapi (Nile) river the first highway in humanity. The Hapi (Nile) river was a key element in fortifying our families with farming, building and stabilizing the Ancient Nile Valley Culture for centuries. The Sacred women will sing into existence the birthing canal of sacred creativity and fortify their relationships with antiquity.


It's our goal to provide safe, reliable and comfortable travel for all of our travelers, that is why this tour is true in design to give the traveler with limited time a superb introduction to the civilization of Ancient Kemet, focusing on the Nile and its importance to the people. We will be transported by Egypt Air Flights, Farrah Line Cruise Ship & Private Tour Bus. Costs Includes: Travel, room and board, all sightseeing tours and entrance fees. Professional guides throughout tour.


Sacred woman queen afua free pdf print

Appointed with rich color schemes and elegant details inspired by the culture, each hotel has been given its own personalized design touches to ensure every guest has a dynamic experience. Take advantage of absolute comfort and first-rate amenities, ranging from private reserved facilities; complimentary Wi-Fi; connecting and adjacent rooms upon request to ensure groups can effortlessly attain peace and privacy.


Ancient Egypt is the birthplace of civilization, which means it’s the place where humanity began its developmental processes, in particular the path for spiritual growth. The temples along the Nile River have been likened to Universities of the Universe. Each temple represents a different path or journey the enlightened must travel in order to achieve an understanding of the Divine.


Directly inspired by The book, Sacred Woman: A Guide To Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit. Our goal is to capture the essence of ancient African healing rituals performed by Queen Afua at the locations they were created in thousands of years ago. Queen Afua’s unique story will be complemented by the woman she has guided over the years. Returning to the ancestors is the motive of the journey. We welcome you to take part in this life changing experience.

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Join us in Africa.

Sacred Woman Africa will awaken the divine feminine in celebration of Sacred Woman 20th Anniversary.

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